The big to do list.


Hooray, you are pregnant!

There is a lot that has to be arranged.. Hereby a what to do list per trimester.

What to do list trimester 1:

Week 4-6: The pregnancy test is reliable.

Week 7: Subscribe to all the news letters about pregnancy.

Week 8-10: When you visit the midwife, be prepared. When did you do the pregnancy test, when was the first day of your last period.

Week 8-12: Your first echo. Think about the way you like to bring this wonderful news, and of course when you like to bring the news.

Week 12: You can make a diary, with pictures of your belly. So you can give this diary to your child when is grown up.

What to do list trimester 2:

Week 12-13: Arrange the maternity help.

Week 12-14: Think about a pregnancy class.

Week 15-20: If you aren’t married yet, you need to arrange the recognition of the birth of your child. In this period you need also to inform your health insurance about your pregnancy as well.

Week 16: With an echo you should be able to see the gender of your child!

Week 20: Echo time! This echo is a serious one. There will be an medical examination of your little miracle.

Week 20-21: You need to request a pregnancy statement by your midwife. Your employer needs a this to determine your maternity leave.

Week 22: Request a birth/care box at your health insurance. If they don’t offer this box you can buy one by a pharmacy.

Whole second trimster: You can go shopping! You need to design the baby room and for that you need to consider the delivery time of some shops. You als need to shop for your self. You probably need some maternity clothes, you can shop at 🙂

What to do list trimester 3:

Did you know that when you will go on holiday that the flight company’s can ask for a pregnancy statement?

Week 24: It is time to discuss your maternity leave and your woking hours in case those will change after your maternity leave.

Week 28: It is time to make an birth plan. Think about the way you like give birth and review this with your midwife.

Week 30: The brains of your child be developed the coming weeks. Therefor you can eat some extra fish. This because of omega, this component will progress the development. If you don’t like fish you can eat a hand of walnut every single day.

Week 32: You need to design your birth cards, of let some one design them. All the new furniture needs to be cleared from the chemical fabrics. You can do this to put them in the open. Also the mattress.

Week 33: All the clothes, sheets and teddies need to be washed. Please don’t use the softener. If you will deliver at home, make sure there are 10 diapers ready. You can wash the teddies in the wool program so they will come out intact.

Week 35: Check if you did buy everything you need. Try to spent some time together. After the birth you won’t have attention for your partner so much :).

Week 36: Put the mattress protector from the birth/ care box on your own mattress. You also need to prepare your baby’s bed according to the regulations.

Week 37: Some relaxing time. You can visit the hair cutter, go to the restaurant, see a movie at the cinema, whatever you like. Prepare also your escaping bag, even when you like to deliver at home.

Week 38: The last check. Did you raise your bed? Did you prepare your escaping bag? Did you finish the baby room? Did you write all the envelopes? If you have other kids, did you arrange a shelter for them?

Week 39: Enjoy your last week(s)! If you are tired and like to sleep, do so. Thats all fine!

Week 40: Magical date.. You will meet your baby very soon!

Some extra tips:

Directly after you give birth: If you gave birth in a hospital you need to inform your midwife agency.

In 3 working days: You need to announce your baby at the city hall.

First week: order and send the birth cards.

Within 4 months: You need to add your baby in your health insurance and you need to arrange any surcharges if you aloud to receive them.