Trimester Talk

Stephanie van der Kogel
34 years old
Commercial in-house employee
Pregnant with a daughter
25 weeks pregnant
Due Date: June 1st

“We got married fairly quickly, I wanted my father to be at our wedding. When he was told that he was incurably ill, we immediately started planning the wedding. My biggest wish was to marry in the traditional way. And that happened, he gave me away on our wedding day. ”

“My father always said: I hope you get a girl and she looks like you. The first time I became pregnant I got a miscarriage with 6 weeks. I immediately felt that it was not right. When I got pregnant again, I waited quite a long time to do a test. But I had to go to the doctor for an operation, and then we should know be for of course. So I did a test the evening before the hospital appointment. I turned out to be pregnant! ”

“This time my feeling said it was okay. I was very tired the first few weeks, but no further complaints. With 8 weeks we had the first ultrasound. That is such a bizarre feeling, you just see that a small person grows inside you. There are no words for that.”

‘With 12 weeks we have had an extensive ultrasound. The ultrasound scanner had extra time, so she looked very extensively. My friend asked spontaneously, can you already see the gender? She then said that she could say for 70% that it will be a girl. With 15 weeks we did the sex ultrasound, and then it was confirmed that we get a daughter. Then we immediately told everyone about it. ‘

Pink candies
“My niece is the only girl in the family at the moment, so she hoped for a niece. We took pink candies for her to tell her. She was of course very happy. My husband already has a son of 12, he was hoping for a brother. But when we discussed that he now will have a sister and can always protect her, he immediately felt like a big brother. ‘

‘I am particularly grateful. My husband recently asked what it feels like to be pregnant, the only word that somewhat covers the load is grateful. Thankful that we can experience this, feel the first moves, be together. I also feel incredibly good. No complaints at all, can only be very specific at some times that I want something I normal never eat. For example, at 11 o’clock in the evening, I suddenly wanted Haribo frog candy. ‘

“We are now preparing the baby room, the bed is already inside, the rest is coming in this week. We want to finish it all. And yes, it will be a real girly room. My husband also has a kind of nesting, he is hanging curtains and all practical matters he wants to have arranged in time. We have the name for a long time, already 5 years. From the beginning we already had a name for a girl. And that name is still the name!’